Monday, September 20, 2010

Why I don't eat in Fine Dining Restaurants

My friend D is an epicurean and real food lover who travels extensively and thinks nothing of hopping to Brussels to enjoy her favourite beers and food while en route to Paris. When in Singapore, she loves her local fare, ice cream and pizza. She has her own blog where she writes about her latest adventures, food or otherwise. 

Her biggest grouse about restaurants in Singapore is that they all seem to get stuck in a rut and some dishes are just DONE TO DEATH. And that is the reason why I don't like to eat in fine dining restaurants in Singapore. Why should I part with my hard earned moolah to eat in a restaurant when I could easily cook them at home. And what is worst these "popular" dishes are copied and replicated in almost all the fine dining establishments in Singapore. What are these dishes you may ask?

Here they are:

Mushroom Cappuccino or cream of mushroom soup
Foie Gras
Braised Wagyu Beef Cheeks
Miso Cod
Molten Chocolate Cake

You could crack open ANY menu in Singapore and I could pretty much guarantee you that you would be able to find these dishes in some incarnation. They may be given fancier names with extravagant descriptions but honestly, they are just more of the same old same old.

I wonder, is it a case of demand for the ordinary by the customer or that chefs in Singapore are so creatively challenged that they can't produce new and exciting flavours?

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